Me-dom is freedom. You were born to be the best version of you. That doesn’t come easy. On the one hand, you’ve got to work at honing and polishing those distinctive advantages. On the other, you’ve got to rise above the bar of common perception set for you. It’s the perfect inflection point for you to go out there and set yourself free. To explore, to enjoy, to experience the power your potential.
There are without doubt presumptions you may have to challenge, premises you have to change, but if you set out to do just that, it is a recipe for failure. If you set out to be always at your A-game, that is something else.
It’s worth remembering that the more virtues and talents you have, the more open to external opinion you become. I can only say this: a diamond doesn’t worry about that when it uses its facets to sparkle and shine. And to think it began life as a piece of coal, almost undiscovered deep in the heart of the earth. We’ve got it a lot easier. But let the goal to be to shine through. Not for others to be bedazzled, but more for you feel the glow of self-satisfaction.
Me-dom isn’t a selfish mantra. The better you are, the better you make your universe. But in the process, the reverse applies as well. Recognise the subconscious and very human tendency to judge the rest by the yardstick of you. And make sure you allow everyone else their me-dom too.
Soon, we’ll get to the all-important topic of inclusion…